Tuesday, September 7, 2010

blow by oxygen

Let us learn about blow by oxygen

Wafting or blowing oxygen past a patient's face is not a reliable means of oxygen delivery & is not used in adults. However, this process can temporarily provide oxygen to infants & toddlers who become agitated & more distressed with other processes of oxygen delivery, particularly during the initial evaluation & treatment for a reversible cause of respiratory distress such as croup or bronchospasm.

Why does a candle blow out if oxygen is needed to burn?

My student asked me why a candle blows out if fire needs oxygen to burn, & if you are blowing on it, you are giving it more oxygen. I have a vague idea but then it really bugged me I didn't know the exact answer. After many a discussion with other adults, it came down to taking away 1 of the elements needed for the flame, too much energy in the wind & blowing the flame off the wick, thus the candle goes out.

In our next blog we shall learn about funny mean names I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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