Tuesday, August 31, 2010

heterotrophic bacteria

Let us learn about heterotrophic bacteria

A Heterotrophic bacteria needs an organic carbon source in order to grow.

Heterotrophic bacteria are largely responsible for the process of organic matter decomposition. Many pathogenic disease-causing bacteria are heterotrophs. However, many species of heterotrophic bacteria are abundant in the environment & are considered normal flora for human skin. The recycling of minerals in aquatic ecosystems, mainly in estuaries, is made possible by heterotrophic bacteria. Although examine by health officials the presence of heterotrophic bacteria in public water supplies is seldom considered a public health threat.

In our next blog we shall learn about micrometer screw gauge I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Monday, August 30, 2010

respiratory volumes

Let us learn about respiratory volumes

Respiratory volumes are those volumes of air which are exchanged during breathing; they are important indicators of the functioning of the respiratory system & can be measured through the use of a spirometer. We have 2 styles of spirometer: 1st has a turbine which rotates as air passes through it & this rotation is geared down to drives the movement of a needle which indicates the volume of air. The 2nd secure or captures air in an inverted chamber the volume being indicated by the increase of the chamber in a bath of water.
Different degrees of effort in breathing result in different volumes of air being moved in of the lungs or out of the lungs. The measurement of such air volumes is said to be as spirometry, & these measurements reveal the presence of 4 distinct respiratory volumes. Example: 1) the amount of air that enters the lungs during a normal 2) quiet inspiration is about 500 cubic centimeters. 3) Approximately the same amount leaves during a normal expiration. 4) This volume is termed the tidal volume.

In our next blog we shall learn about true solutions I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

linear programming examples

Let us learn about linear programming examples

Linear programming examples require linearity in the equations In a linear equation, each decision variable is multiplied by a constant coefficient with no multiplying between decision variables & no nonlinear functions such as logarithms. Linearity requires the following assumptions:

* Proportionality: A variation in a variable results in a proportionate change in that variable's contribution to the value of the function.

* Additivity: the function value is the total of the contributions of each term.

* Divisibility: the decision variables will be divided into non-integer values, taking on fractional values. Integer programming methods can be applied if the divisibility assumption does not hold.

In addition to these linearity assumptions & linear programming assumes certainty; that is, that the coefficients are known & constant.

In our next blog we shall learn about Ogive Graph I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Friday, August 27, 2010

definition of carbohydrates

Let us learn about carbohydrates

definition of carbohydrates

Mainly sugars & starches together constituting 1 of the 3 principal types of nutrients used as energy sources calories by the body. Carbohydrates can also be defined chemically as hydrogen, neutral compounds of carbon and oxygen.

Carbohydrates come in simple forms such as sugars & in complex forms such as starches & fiber. The body breaks down most sugars & starches into glucose, a simple sugar that the body can apply to feed its cells. Complex carbohydrates are derived from plants. Dietary intake of complex carbohydrates can reduce blood cholesterol when Carbohydrates are substituted for saturated fat.

Carbohydrates are classified into mono, di, tri, poly & heterosaccharides. The smallest parts of carbohydrates are monosaccharides such as glucose whereas polysaccharides such as cellulose, starch & glycogen can be large & even indeterminate in length.

The energy generated by carbohydrates is four calories per gram. Proteins also provide four calories per gram. Fats are high-cal; they provide nine calories per gram.

Carbohydrates are called carbohydrates mainly because the carbon, hydrogen & oxygen they contain are usually in the proportion to form water with the general formula Cn(H2O)n.

In our next blog we shall learn about exponential growth model I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

online Probability calculator

Let us learn how Probability calculator online help students.

What is Probability?

Who invented probability?

A Probability is expressed mathematically on a scale from zero to one therefore probability is often written as a fraction or a percentage. Best example: a die has six faces, numbered 1 through six. When the die is thrown, any of the six numbers can be shown. The chance of any particular number being face up is 1/6 - six things could happen therefore if we add up all the possibilities, we should get one. 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 = 1.

It's important to recognize us that we don't have to know which number will show up, the numbers are random, but even so, we know the chances of getting each number.

Mr. Games of chance were 1st investigated formally by Gerolamo Cardano. Mr. Games is an Italian lawyer who was also a wonderful mathematician. Mr. Games worked on the mathematics of gambling & probability in the 16th century.

In our next blog we shall learn about Prime Factorization calculator I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

conclusion of pollution

Let us find conclusion of pollution

A conclusion is an opinion or judgment or position reached after consideration. Or we say, advice or opinion or suggestion or judgment or a position reached after consideration.

The contamination of water, air, or soil by substances that are harmful to living beings is called pollution. Presence of dangerous unnatural ingredients causing imbalance in nature/the ecosystems & health hazards to living beings & animals is called pollution.

Pollution is mainly found in water, air, soil, food & sound.

Major human activities like health care, transport, industries, agriculture, dwelling & energy generation are the causes of pollution.

Several industries like textile, sugar, petroleum, food, paper, steel, chemical & cement industries cause air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution.

Industrial pollutants include gases like cyanides, carbon tetrachloride, methane, carbon disulphides, carbon monoxide, hydrogen disulphides, hydrochloric acids, ammonia, sulphur dioxide as well as multiples of solid / liquid compounds.

In our next blog we shall learn about amino acids classification I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Uses of nitric acid

Let us learn about Uses of nitric acid

Nitric acid plays a major role in the manufacture of a variety of products such as:

Explosives like trinitrotoluene nitro gun cotton, glycerin, ammonal etc.

Fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate etc. Nitrate salts such as silver nitrate, calcium nitrate, ammonium nitrate.

Dyes, perfumes, drugs etc, from coal tar products & Sulphuric acid by Lead Chamber process.

Nitric acid is used in the purification of gold, silver, platinum etc. Nitric acid is used in etching designs on brass, copper, bronze ware etc.

Nitric acid is used to prepare "aqua regia" to dissolve the noble elements. Nitric acid is used as a laboratory reagent.

In our next blog we shall learn about net ionic compounds I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Monday, August 23, 2010

kinetic friction

Let us learn about kinetic friction

Sliding friction is also known as kinetic friction. When extra force exceeds the limiting friction, the body begins to change its moment on the surface. Then the force of friction is called the kinetic friction.

When an external force is used to start relative motion, the interlocking of surfaces gets teared off, thus causing less frictional force. That is why once the motion starts, the frictional force acting between the surfaces in contact decreases, so that a smaller force is required to maintain uniform motion. That is why static friction is more than kinetic friction. Kinetic friction is constant whatever the velocity of body may be & is always less than the limiting friction.

In our next blog we shall learn about langmuir isotherm I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

law of octaves

Let us learn about law of octaves.

Newland stated, the law of octaves thus 'when elements are arranged in increasing order of their atomic mass, the 8 element resembles the 1st in physical and chemical properties just like the 8th note on a musical scale resembles the 1st note'. As a result an important conclusion was made that there is some systematic relationship between the order of atomic masses & the repetition of properties of elements. This gave rise to a new term which is said to be as 'periodicity' which signifies the recurrence of characteristic properties of elements arranged in a table, at regular intervals of a period.

Achievements of the Law of Octaves: The law of octaves was the 1st logical attempt to classify elements on the basis of atomic weights.

Drawback of Law of Octaves: law of octaves could be best applied, only up to the element calcium. A frequency which is out of range of a particular system, we can play a frequency that is an octave of that frequency to obtain the same feel or effect as from the original frequency. A Newly discovered element could not fit into the octave structure. The character of resemblance of the 8th element when arranged in increasing order of their atomic mass was not successful with heavier elements.

In our next blog we shall learn about electric flux I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

list of famous scientists

Let us find list of famous scientists

A scientist in an ample sense is one engaging in a systematic activity to acquire scientific knowledge

Types of scientists

Astronomers, Agricultural scientists, Archaeologists, Astrophysicists, Biologists.

list of famous scientists: Albert Einstein, Archimedes , Aristotle , Niels Bohr , Nicolaus Copernicus , Marie Curie ,Charles Darwin, Leonardo Da Vinci , Rene Descartes , Thomas Alva Edison so on

Qualities of scientists are

1. Raw brain power
2. Active & Dedication to finish long-term projects
3. Communication skills (writing & speaking)
4. Interest & Curiosity
5. Concentration & Attention to detail

In our next blog we shall learn about polar equations I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

tidal wave energy

Let us learn about tidal wave energy.

Tidal wave energy is based on the movement of the tides & power of the ocean, the tidal energy was used as a source of power to grind meal from grain. The fact that ocean wave energy is 100% eco-friendly without any greenhouse gas emissions and relatively low carbon footprint on the Earth, the future is bright for this natural energy source.

Wave turbines, similar are function and look to wind turbines, are placed under the water. As the water moves, do the turbines & thus electricity & the generators is produced. Power harvested from tides in a fashion similar to hydroelectric energy recovery.

As the tide rises to high, water is trapped behind a wall. When the tide recedes, this water is let out finished raft gates where turbines twist (water is let out through flood gates where turbines (reel) spin) and force & power is created. This process is a very slow process because it takes 12 hours for the tide to move from low to high. Then another 6 hours for the tide to retreat back to low again. The main demerit of tidal wave energy is the cost of plant production and the time needed to establish a fully working plant.

In our next blog we shall learn to solve problems by using grade 7 math worksheets I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

what is physics

Let us learn about what is physics?

Physics is the study of energy & matter in space and time and how they are related to each other.

Physics is a science which is based on numerical measurements

Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Albert Einstein. James Clerk Maxwell are great physician.

Physics which is accumulated till 1900 is called classical physics that deals with macroscopic phenomena. It includes subjects like:

Modern physics consist of 2 basic theories.

  • Relativity

I hope the above explanation was useful. Keep reading and leave your comments.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

muriatic acid

Let us learn about muriatic acid.

Before that let us learn what is acid?

a substance which tastes sour, reacts with carbonates & metals, and turns in to blue litmus paper red, and has a pH less than 7.0 in its standard state is called an Acid.

Muriatic acid is the solution of HCl in water. It is found in gastric acid. Muriatic acid is highly corrosive, strong mineral acid in nature and has many major industrial uses.

It is preferred acid for determining the amount of base using titration solution, being a strong acid it gives precise result during titration.

Muriatic acid comes under the category of monoprotic acid, since it dissociate only once to give H+ ion.

In our next blog we shall learn about dipole moment I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Monday, August 16, 2010

water pollution pictures

In our previous blog we learned about types of pollution. Now let us learn what are the main causes of water pollution.

If there is something that earnestly affects

everyone is, Irrigate pollution. Over 40% of the rivers and 46% of the lakes in Land are too polluted to seek in, swim in, or affirm marine existence. There are some causes of water pollution. Food soiling develop from two antithetical types of sources.

1) Pollutants existence emitted straight into a facility embody results in a "mark seed", specified as a pipework from an industrial effortlessness leaking toxics flat into the irrigate.

water pollution pictures

2) Pollutants state indirectly transported to the irrigate specified as run off from fertilizers fluid in to a large embody of facility by fall results in a type of pollution called "nonpoint source".

3) Urbanization

4) Unskilled degenerate

5) Agricultural over spill and indelicate agricultural practices

6) Religious and social practices

I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

parallel resistors

Let us learn about parallel resistors

The resistor (R) is an inwardness which has the prop of anti the flux of an electric afoot through it. The SI object of condition is ohm and its organization symbolization is represented by? Resistor obeys the ohm's law. Ohm's law states that the ratio of possible ness number (V) between any two points on a musician to the rife (I) through them is unceasing, provided temperature of the director remains invariant.

The resistances which are conterminous in parallel effectuation constructive heraldry of one resistance is contiguous to the affirmative bidding of new resistor as like as antagonistic direct of resistor. It is called collateral resistance

In our next blog we shall learn about velocity 17 I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Friday, August 13, 2010

melting point of gold

Hi Friends!!!

How many of you like gold jewelry? I guess many of us like jewelry made of gold.

gold is an insurance policy against economic uncertainty. Gold can protect against both deflation and inflation. Everyone should store some of their wealth in gold if at all possible.

Let us learn about melting point of gold

Gold has an small signal of 79 in the intermittent plateau and the minute symbolization of this conductor is 'Au'. Studies pretence that the yellow affect of the mixture is due to the preparation of the outside electrons in apiece particle. In its virtuous taxon, the melting punctuation of gilded in Physicist is 1947.52 °. The melting mend of metallic in Stargazer is 1064 °. It is that temperature, wherein the metal gold turns from the solid configuration to semi liquid plane in the liquefied create. So, liquefied gilded present materialize auspicious in color. However, the melting bushel of gilded may variegate with the metal supplemental to it. In pillowcase of gold alloys, where metals, suchlike separate, fiver, copper, platinum, etc., are added, the unfrozen point of metallic changes. These metals are supplementary to gilded, so as to vary the melting sail of gilded, to tidy it harder and also to spay its supply you an rough design around the variations in the unfrozen quantity of yellowness in unlike forms. See on to couple much near platinum vs individual gilded and yellowness panning.

In our next blog we shall learn about melting point of water I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

wave motion

Let us learn about wave motion

When water is disturbed, for instance by dropping a pebble into standing water, water waves are produced which move in circles, energy is passing from the centre to the periphery, however the water itself remains in the same location. Only the energy that is produced at the center on dropping the pebble has moved from the center outwards. The medium for wave motion is water. The water particles vibrate and waves are produced. However when the energy has passed the water particles stop vibrating and they come to their original equilibrium position. Here you see that only energy has moved in the form of waves. This is called wave motion animation.

There are two types of waves-One is “longitudinal” and the other is “transverse” waves.

Longitudinal Waves

If the particles are disturbed in a direction that is parallel to the direction that the wave propagates, it is called a longitudinal wave. The longitudinal wave contains “compressions” in which particles are gathered together and “rarefactions” where particles are spread out. Sound waves are a good Example for longitudinal waves.

In our next blog we shall learn about dairy milk production I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

thermal energy definition

thermal energy definition

Thermal Energy, or heat, is the internal energy in substances; it is the vibration and movement of the atoms and molecules within substances. The more thermal energy in a substance, the faster the atoms and molecules vibrate and move. Geothermal energy is an example of thermal energy. By creating the new devices and methods to concentrate, store, and transport naturally-created thermal energy, human beings can reduce dependence on non-sustainable forms of energy.

Thermal energy is generated to measure by heat of any kind. It is caused by increased activity or velocity of molecules in a substance, which in turn causes temperature to rise accordingly. There are many natural sources of a thermal energy on Earth, making it an important component of alternative energy.

The laws of thermodynamics explain the energy in the form of heat can be exchanged from one physical object to another. For instance, putting fire under a pot of the water will cause the water to heat up as a result of the increased molecular movement. In the way, heat or thermal energy, of fire, is partially transmitted to the water.

In our next blog we shall learn about flow of blood through the heart I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your