Saturday, August 21, 2010

list of famous scientists

Let us find list of famous scientists

A scientist in an ample sense is one engaging in a systematic activity to acquire scientific knowledge

Types of scientists

Astronomers, Agricultural scientists, Archaeologists, Astrophysicists, Biologists.

list of famous scientists: Albert Einstein, Archimedes , Aristotle , Niels Bohr , Nicolaus Copernicus , Marie Curie ,Charles Darwin, Leonardo Da Vinci , Rene Descartes , Thomas Alva Edison so on

Qualities of scientists are

1. Raw brain power
2. Active & Dedication to finish long-term projects
3. Communication skills (writing & speaking)
4. Interest & Curiosity
5. Concentration & Attention to detail

In our next blog we shall learn about polar equations I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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