Friday, August 27, 2010

definition of carbohydrates

Let us learn about carbohydrates

definition of carbohydrates

Mainly sugars & starches together constituting 1 of the 3 principal types of nutrients used as energy sources calories by the body. Carbohydrates can also be defined chemically as hydrogen, neutral compounds of carbon and oxygen.

Carbohydrates come in simple forms such as sugars & in complex forms such as starches & fiber. The body breaks down most sugars & starches into glucose, a simple sugar that the body can apply to feed its cells. Complex carbohydrates are derived from plants. Dietary intake of complex carbohydrates can reduce blood cholesterol when Carbohydrates are substituted for saturated fat.

Carbohydrates are classified into mono, di, tri, poly & heterosaccharides. The smallest parts of carbohydrates are monosaccharides such as glucose whereas polysaccharides such as cellulose, starch & glycogen can be large & even indeterminate in length.

The energy generated by carbohydrates is four calories per gram. Proteins also provide four calories per gram. Fats are high-cal; they provide nine calories per gram.

Carbohydrates are called carbohydrates mainly because the carbon, hydrogen & oxygen they contain are usually in the proportion to form water with the general formula Cn(H2O)n.

In our next blog we shall learn about exponential growth model I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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